Many things may happen when getting arrested. A lot of times, this depends entirely upon your actions. When getting arrested, it’s extremely important to remain safe and intact. First and foremost, remain calm and be mindful of your actions.
We at ABC Bail Bonds of Houston have seen and heard thousands of arrest stories throughout our 25 years of service. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of dos and don’ts when getting arrested. We want everyone to be prepared when dealing with the police—for the latest tips and police advice, follow our blog.
RELATED: Turning Yourself In? What You Need to Know
Remain Calm
The most important thing is to remain calm. When getting arrested by the police, your level of calm may determine how the entire encounter goes. There are several ways to remain calm when getting arrested by the police. An effective way to remain calm is to focus on your breathing, and to take deep breaths.
SEE: 6 Easy Ways to Stay Calm Around the Police
Know Your Rights
Next, know your rights. The most important of these is your right to remain silent. When getting arrested, an officer might interrogate you or ask you an excess amount of questions. You have the right to decline answering police questions. Simply let the officer know that you would like to remain silent or wait until your lawyer is present. Speaking of lawyers…
Be Prepared
The next important “do” on our list is to be prepared. Whether it’s keeping your lawyer’s information handy, calling a loved one, or contacting a bail bonds company to get you out of jail, being prepared is important when getting arrested. After the adrenaline of the arrest, you will need to take the next step of making sure you’re taken care of.
SEE: 5 Crucial Tips for First Time Inmates
First and foremost, do not argue with the police. While many believe this may help your situation, it in fact makes it worse. If the officer is wrong, you may file a complaint or take action after the arrest. You have the right to report any officer for misconduct. However, during the arrest, the smartest choice is to follow instructions. Remember, it’s important to remain safe when dealing with the police. In order to do so, do not argue back with the police during an arrest.
Use Physical Force
Following the previous statement, do not under any circumstances use physical force against the police. Even if the officer wrongly arrests you, do not resist or use force against them. This only escalates the situation—and you do not want to risk your safety!
RELATED: 10 Ways to Have a Safe Police Encounter
Lose Control of the Situation
Echoing our previous two statements, remaining in control of the situation is vital during an arrest. Therefore, don’t lose your cool or act out physically (or verbally). You must be in control of your thoughts, your body, and the situation. Remember to breathe, know your rights, and be prepared when arrested by the police.
Use a Bail Bonds Service
When being arrested, it’s important to know your options. Using a bail bonds service will get you out of jail fast and allow you to prepare for your case. Many times, bail is set too high for inmates to pay out-of-pocket. ABC Bail Bonds of Houston is Harris County’s fastest and most affordable bail bonds company. With over 25 years of experience getting inmates out of jail, we’re the top choice in Houston. To learn more, contact our office today.