There are many different types of bail bonds
There are eight different types of bail bonds, and different methods to obtain them here in Texas. Getting yourself out of custody is rarely an easy process; and this process is not made any easier by the fact that you must navigate the various types of bail bonds available to you. To help, we are going to look at the seven types of bail bonds and how they are obtained, making it easier for you and/or your loved one.
1. Citation Release
2. Recognizance Release
Out of all the types of bail bonds, this is the best one to get: it means you never really get taken into custody. A citation release is given when the arresting officer does not take the suspect to the station; instead, he or she issues a citation that orders the suspect to appear before a judge on a given date. Citation releases are usually given for minor crimes, including traffic violations.
A citation release is not something you apply for or fight for; instead, it is up to the discretion of the arresting officer. Should the officer decide to take you into custody, you will need to try for another type of bail bond.
This type of bail bond comes in second to citation release in terms of its ease for you. No money is needed, just a promise on your part that you will appear before a judge on the given date. Once you sign the paperwork, you will then be released from custody. Although no money is charged for release, there is a fine for not appearing in court.
Recognizance release is something that can be given based on the discretion of the arresting officers. However, you may need to fight for it in court. The benefit to fighting for recognizance release would be not paying bail; however, your lawyer fees could mean that paying your bail—especially with a surety or property bond—would be cheaper.
3. Cash Bail
4. Surety Bond
Cash bail is pretty self-explanatory: It is bail that is paid in cash. You can pay any bail in cash as long as you have access to the money needed. Many corrections departments refuse to accept cash bail in any other form, while some will accept cashier’s checks and credit cards. It is important that you know before you go.
While all bail can be paid in cash, there are some that can only be paid in cash. This is usually only done with severe crimes in which bail cannot be denied, but there is concern that the arrested individual is a flight risk. In these cases, the cost of bail is set high enough that paying it in cash is likely to be impossible.
When you need to get out of custody and do not have access to cash, the only way to get back to life is to work with a bail bondsman. The first type of bond that a bail bondsman can offer you is a surety bond. This type of bond is secured by paying 10% of the bail amount to the bondsman with the promise to show up in court when called upon.
Getting this bond is generally quite easy. You or a third party representing you pay the 10% fee to the bondsman and he then posts the bail needed to get you out. If you or your loved one does not have the needed cash on hand, most bail bondsman are flexible in terms of arranging payment.
Recognizance release is something that can be given based on the discretion of the arresting officers. However, you may need to fight for it in court. The benefit to fighting for recognizance release would be not paying bail; however, your lawyer fees could mean that paying your bail—especially with a surety or property bond—would be cheaper.
5. Property Bond
6. Federal Bail Bonds
Property bonds are not accepted in all states, but they are used in California on occasion. With this type of bond, the full rights of the property must used as collateral. Many different types of property can be used, but real estate is the most common.
Getting a property bond takes time. While a surety bond can be obtained in an hour, a property bond requires that the property be assessed for its value and that a court hearing be conducted to ensure that everything is agreed upon. As a result, a property bond can take weeks to secure.
When a federal crime is in question, only federal bail bonds can be used. These bonds proceed similar to property bonds in that the transaction is done directly with the court, without the use of a bail bondsman. Both cash and property can be used to obtain this bail bond.
7. Immigration Bond
8. Voluntary Departure Bond
This type of bail bond is only used for non-citizens and non-residents present in the United States. Due to the lack of legal status of the arrest party, it is difficult to obtain and specific criteria must be met for eligibility. A bail bondsman can help you, but you should seek out someone who has experience with immigration bail bonds.
If you are struggling to navigate all of these options, give us a call at ABC Bail Bonds. We have the years of experience needed to help you determine which option is best for you and get you or your loved one out of custody as soon as possible.
In some cases, detainees are given the option to voluntarily leave the country at their own expense by a specified time period. The departure bond–if paid in full to ICE–is refundable once the person has left the country, but will be forfeited if the person fails to leave.