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What Factors Result in a Higher Bail Amount?

If you were arrested and are granted bail, here are some factors that influence the amount. If you can't afford it, ABC Bail Bonds is here to help.

So, you or a loved one has been arrested and are looking to post bail if it’s available. Well, there’s more to consider after you have qualified for it. For instance, your ability to afford it depends on the bail amount. There is typically a bail schedule, which lists bail amounts for certain crimes, and it’s based on the laws of the state. However, this schedule isn’t set in stone. The amount may vary from case to case. So what factors result in a higher bail amount? Let’s take a look.

Severity and Circumstance of the Crime

The nature of the offense influences the bail amount. Violent crimes have higher bail amounts, such as rape and murder, than less violent crimes like traffic violations. Judges can set bail as low as a hundred dollars, but as high as a million dollars. Sometimes, you may not qualify for bail at all. This depends on your threat to the public, witnesses, or the victim.

Prior Criminal Record and Court History

If you have committed crimes in the past, the court might be less lenient towards you. If you have been arrested for the same crime or a similar one more than once, then a judge may give you a higher bail amount than first-time offenders.

Flight Risk and Community Ties

Your personal history, employment, family situation, wealth, and status in the community all play a factor on your bail. If you are currently employed, have a family to support, or have a good reputation in the community, a judge may consider lowering your bail amount. You are less likely to flee, since you have community ties and obligations. However, if you don’t have a family to support, you are wealthy, or you aren’t a citizen, you may be a potential flight risk. There is a chance that you could flee the country. Therefore, you will receive a higher bail amount. 

Additional Factors

If the victim’s injuries have gotten worse or caused a life-threatening situation for the victim, your bail amount may increase. If you receive bail, but you don’t honor the conditions, you will have additional fees to pay off. And finally, if you are a threat to yourself, you may also receive a higher bail amount. While there are other factors that can influence the judge’s decision, these are some of the main ones.

ABC Bail Bonds Has You Covered

If you have been given a high bail amount, don’t worry. ABC Bail Bonds can grant you a speedy release at an affordable rate. You only need to pay 10% of the bail amount to secure a bond with us. We will cover the rest. Our team also offers a variety of payment options, so we can make it as affordable as possible. The justice system is complicated, but our bondsmen will be with you through every step of the way. Get in touch with us today, and we’ll quickly get you out of jail.

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