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Black Friday Shopping Crimes

Here are a few common Black Friday shopping crimes that may make you want to do all your shopping from home this Black Friday.

Black Friday sales are known to be the best sales of the year, and some people will stop at nothing to get the best deal possible. Some go as far as to commit crimes to get the best deal instead of waiting patiently. Here are a few common Black Friday shopping crimes that may make you want to do all your shopping from home this Black Friday.

Before venturing out to your favorite stores early in the morning the Friday after Thanksgiving, check out their online stores to ensure your safety. You don’t want to get caught up in the middle of one of these Black Friday shopping crimes. Black Friday of 2021 resulted in shopping mishaps that cost 3 people their life and 8 people were injured. These deaths and injuries were incidents all over the United States. 

Stay safe this Black Friday and stay out of trouble, don’t contribute to this growing list of Black Friday mishaps. 


After hours of waiting in line with a horde of people by the doors of your favorite store to open, the tensions are likely high as everyone rushes in. The people that were behind you 10 minutes ago are now pushing and shoving to get past you. The civility you experienced before the doors opened is over now. This doesn’t happen to everyone, but in the rush, it isn’t uncommon for someone to get hurt. 

People sometimes get violent when they see you or another person looking at an item they want, especially if it’s the last one. People have been pushed and punched out of the way of the person whose focus isn’t on the person they hurt, but on the item they want. To be safe, if someone challenges you for an item, it is better to prioritize your safety than to fight for an item. 

Bad Checks

Most people don’t use checks for shopping these days, and many stores won’t accept checks anymore. But if you have a store that takes checks or you plan on finding shops that do take checks, be wary. A bad check can cost the business money if it bounces, as your merchandise will be missing and you will have lost money on the sale. 

On the other hand, if you write a bad check to a store, the consequences can be severe. If you write a check knowing that you have insufficient funds, you can face the repercussions of check fraud. It depends on the amount of the check, but typically you will be fined about triple what you wrote the check for, plus up to a year of jail time. No Black Friday shopping deal is worth this trouble.

Brandishing A Weapon

In the heat of the moment, when you have your eye on something you want, you might be tempted to flash a weapon as a threat to others also looking at the same item. Do not do this! This is a serious crime, and you shouldn’t threaten other people. Not to mention, most stores don’t allow weapons at all, for the safety of all customers. 

If someone flashes a weapon at you, back off and call for help. If you have a weapon of your own this is not the time to be brave and pull it out. Call for help and let law enforcement handle the situation. You may think of it as self-defense, but it may not be seen as that in a court of law. 


Last but not least, be wary of thieves if you have a store, and if you are a shopper don’t steal. You may think it would be an easy snatch, but while the store is busy it would seem that the clerks and loss prevention staff are too busy to notice you. This could not be further from the truth, however. Loss prevention staff is trained to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior.

Theft has serious consequences. Depending on how much you stole, you can be fined from $1000-10,000. On top of this large fine, you can also face up to three years in jail. Black Friday is known for its great deals, pay for what you want and stay out of trouble.

Call ABC Bail Bonds

Call ABC Bail Bonds at (713) 222-6222 if you have found yourself in trouble this Black Friday. Get your favorite deals in-store and online, don’t add to the Black Friday shopping crime rate. If you have found yourself in trouble, contact us. 

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